
Top Design Practices for Designing Mobile-First Websites in Adobe Commerce

Top Design Practices for Designing Mobile-First Websites in Adobe Commerce 

Mobile-first design is crucial for engaging customers. Mobile devices have been leading the digital revolution of the past decade. Most of the web traffic is generated by mobile devices. Hence, the mobile-first approach quickly became the hotshot of the marketplace. There is nothing unusual about mobile-optimized websites. It has been very active ever since the advent of cell phones. Each year, people are gradually shifting towards navigating the internet via mobile phones.

Why Is Mobile-First a Great Approach? 

Typically, web designers design a website that is optimized to match the requirements of a desktop. Later, those design elements are utilized and condensed to sync them with mobile. This is commonly known by the name ‘Graceful Degradation.’ Mobile-first design is an ongoing amplification wherein you commence with small and later include contents that would be deemed fit for the screen size. In simple words, it is known as designing the mobile version of a site before designing the website version.

Now let us take a look at some of the benefits of mobile-first design:

Benefit How it helps
Visually Appealing Website content can be optimized based on consumer conventions.
Categorized Information Assist in picking and including relevant content to ensure the optimal efficiency of a site.
Elimination of Bugs Mobile websites leverage simple codes, and the possibility of bugs is remote.
Highly Responsive The conversion rates are high here, as users interact with mobile sites and get an enhanced UX.
Swift Load Times It restricts the contents that appear on a webpage and boosts load times, along with better conversions.

Now let us take a look at the chart shown below that highlights the gain and loss difference between mobile-friendly pages and non-mobile-friendly pages: 

Top Adobe Commerce mobile-first design practices

Business organizations, regardless of size, could amplify the user experience by harnessing mobile-first design during the initial stages of a customer journey. To implement this in an effective manner one could take help from adobe experience manager. The presence of accurate design strategies would create a good impression and lay the groundwork for future visits, online transactions, and e-signatures.

  • Updating and assessing how the web properties appear on screen

If you already own a website, an app, or web-based products, you should pay close attention to them. Are they operating efficiently? Do they serve customers effectively? With advancements in technology and software development, this process should be repeated regularly to update designs.  

The launch of new apps, ever-changing trends in mobile designs, and digital service providers, including e-signature solutions, e-commerce systems, and social platforms, would influence the lifespan of design choices. 

Your Adobe Solution Partner should take into consideration how the content would appear on various screens. There might be customers who prefer using mobile phones to communicate with your brand, while others rely on laptops, tablets, PCs, and similar devices.  

You need to make sure that the digital assets are within easy reach, irrespective of type or screen size. This process can be carried out by implementing various elements, including clickable buttons, implanted social sharing options, and signature spaces on documents. 

  • Realignment of web-based products for mobile applications and devices

Evaluate your web-based products, like online tools, interactive content, and digital subscription offerings, to enhance speed as well as efficiency for discerning users. For example, if you are a service-related business, you should consider how you assist your clients in submitting projects or requests for bids.  

A seamless end-to-end experience for your clients is assured if you leverage digital technology to capture e-signatures and wet signatures, if required, on mobile devices. 

  • Frequent updates of mobile support practices 

There must be an effective means of communication to ensure remarkable customer service. 

Fortunately, a plethora of opportunities are available to devise mobile-friendly digital communication and support channels. For instance, you may navigate through chat tools or virtual assistance that render instant, user-friendly customer support.

Apart from that, the concerned firm may consider modifying certain aspects of their customer service and product training procedures. 

Your Adobe Commerce Partner should merge your messaging, categorize mobile while making sure that prospective customers won’t feel disoriented if they shift from live chat to phone calls.

  • Collect feedback and conduct tests regularly

You must measure how your first mobile-first website project performs overall. Improvements may be carried out if required. Leverage data that highlights how and at what point of time customers engage.

Besides, monitor when they are likely to leave your website or return to it. Why? Well, it helps you get a thorough idea about the needs and preferences of your clients; that’s why!

Through scrutinizing behavior and requesting feedback at various phases amidst the customer journey, you will become acquainted with how visitors are engaging with your online business store. It is essential to track the upcoming trends in mobile design and its usage.


As per the latest trends, customers are expecting a contemporary experience, and it demands that you create a mobile-friendly device targeting those customers. During the outbreak of COVID-19, consumers were expecting brands to be highly responsive and transparent. Apart from that, it should feature regular product updates. Besides a brand website, discerning customers expect brands to be available in digital format to ensure a seamless communication and delivery of services. 

No matter how big your business is, you can ensure great customer satisfaction by deploying mobile-first tactics that allow customers to be engaged, as mobile-first is the most effective mobile strategy type that can drive customer engagement. End users globally are already shifting from desktop to mobile to visit the web, and this change is only going to be more common.

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